Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our bread machine

Ingredients: flour, water, olive oil, sugar, salt, dry yeast. Sunflower seeds are nice. Pumpkin seeds are also nice, and may give the bread a slight green tint.

The ingredients are put into the bowl of the bread machine. It is important to insert the mixing blade first! Then dry yeast is added in a small cup on top of the machine.

Our machine is an old one, made by Panasonic. Wikipedia says the first bread machine was made by Matsushita, now Panasonic, in 1986.

After four hours the bread is ready.

With this post we celebrate a 100 bread jubilee, counting since moving to a new country and taking the bread machine with us. During this time, we have consumed 30 kg of the standard 405 wheat flour, bought at the standard price of 25 cent/kg.

Here is a blog by fellow bread machine enthusiasts.


  1. Jo, gott blir det. Om ni kommer hit så bjuds det på en skiva :) I Finland kan variera receptet med att blanda i flerkorns-semlemjöl, men här verkar allt mjöl vara antingen rent vete eller bara mystiskt.

  2. Gratulerar till 100 brödsjubileet! Har aldrig hört om någon förr som skulle orkat baka så många bröd i sin brödmaskin!

  3. De flesta räknar nog inte så noggrannt...


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